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Mbook Analytical

This feature is included in the Mbook Analytical and Enterprise packages (it is not included in the Mbook Chemistry or Pro packages)

Mbook Analytical is an Electronic Laboratory Notebook (ELN) specially designed for analytical chemists.


As an analytical chemist, you can manage your entire workflow digitally with Mbook Analytical, including:

Setting up your laboratory.

Organizing your team.

Scheduling and processing your analytical experiments.

Recording and reporting the results of your analytical experiments.

Developing an end-to-end customer experience by allowing your customers to request your analytical services and get real-time feedback via Mbook Analytical.


This guide will show you how to get started with Mbook Analytical, which is achieved in three main steps:

First, you will divide users in two categories: those who request your analytical services, or clients, and those who provide your analytical services, or analysts.

You will then set up your laboratory by defining which analytical instruments are available to your analysts and which analytical services are available for your clients to request.

Finally, you will understand the complete lifecycle of a request of analytical services, namely how analytical services are requested by a client, how they are processed by an analyst, and how their results are reported in Mbook Analytical.