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Create an analyst

Open the Team panel with the administrator account by clicking on the Team button. There are two categories of users in Mbook Analytical: those who request analytical services, the clients, and those who provide analytical services, the analysts.


Team_menu_from admin


Analysts are organized into groups. You will find a list of groups on the left-hand side of the Team panel. Clicking on any group in the list will display a list of the analysts belonging to that group.

Tip: You can edit a group by double-clicking on it. You can configure analysis result visualization by clicking on the configuration button.


When creating new analysts in Mbook Analytical, you should consider two particular points:


First, you should assign your new analyst a role. Roles provide analysts with different levels of access to data.




The main analyst roles in Mbook Analytical are listed below (from the highest to the lowest levels of access):


Analysis managers, who can create users (both analysts and clients), set up the analytical laboratory (by defining the instruments and services available to analysts and clients, respectively), and manage the complete lifecycle of a request for analytical services.


Basic analysts, who can only process analytical services requested by clients.


Second, the analysis manager needs to authorize the new analyst to process a limited set of analytical services. Each analytical service requested by a client (e.g., NMR-1H) belongs to a particular type (1H), which is categorized under a technique (NMR). Analysts can only process those analytical services that belong to a type they have been authorized to deal with.


On the left-hand side of the Team panel, click on the 'Add user' button to create a new analyst and given them a basic analyst role and authorization to process any kind of analytical service from the 'Analysis techniques' tab:




The Analysis Manager can configure the requests that can be seen by the analysts (by double-clicking on the group name and selecting the configuration button):

